Latest Past Events

ČK Meetup #30: Streamlining Development

Room Lounge Bar Franje Punčeca 2, Čakovec

In this talk, I will share my experiences and insights on creating an optimal project structure for development. We’ll explore effective methods for organizing documentation, and managing the project. I will also discuss common challenges encountered and provide strategies to avoid them, aiming to help teams achieve greater efficiency and success in their development endeavors. […]


Legacy in IT ( Breaking Stereotypes and Prejudices )

Room Lounge Bar Franje Punčeca 2, Čakovec

What does ‘legacy’ mean in the context of software, hardware, and other aspects of IT? Are you utilizing legacy systems, or perhaps even creating them? Does “old” tech have future or should we just leave it in the past? Predavač: Goran David, CEO at ForgeFuse Vrijeme: 18.4.2024. // 18.00 – 20.00h Lokacija: Lounge Bar “Room” […]

Interaction motion design with Spline – stvaramo interaktivne animacije – Drugi dan (2/2)

krtech office Franje Punčeca 2B, Čakovec

Opis: Goran Levačić naučit će nas kako izrađivati interaktivne animacije u programu Spline. Spline je alat za kreiranje interaktivnog 3D sadržaja u kolaborativnom modu i prikazivanje u pregledniku. Spline ima sve potrebne značajke alata za kreiranje 3D objekata za ispis, animacija, i intekaktivnih simulacija a sve više se koristi i za kreiranje igara.   Trajanje: 3 […]